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Tikal the Mayan World
Tikal (Motul in Mayan) was born around the year 2000 B.C. its apogee arrived in the classic period, time when it had 100.000 habitants. The archaeologists have discovered that from the year 292 A.C to the 792 A.C ruled in Tikal 29 sovereigns,being the last the three of them that enlarged the city, also the greatest temples were built in that period (centuries VII and VIII).

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Panajachel is in the Guatemalan plateau a 1500 mts of height and offers an amazing view of the volcanoes, such as San Pedro (3000 mts), Toliman (3200 mts) and Atitlan (3500 mts), that serve as a frame to watch the lake of Atitlan.

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Livingston Cradle of the Garifuna Culture
Livingst on, is the best touristic destiny of Guatemala; combines Caribbean crystalline water beaches, palms, exuberant vegetation, white sand, jungle, the Canyon of Rio Dulce, with its lagoons and adjacent brooks; rich fauna, in which there are a diversity marine birds and other tropical birds. There are also, many choices of hotels and restaurants .

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Cobán, an Eco-tourism destiny in Guatemala
El área de Cobán es increíblemente rica en flora, fauna y lagos que pueden ser encontrados por todas partes. Bosques amplios, densamente nublados, de excepcional belleza, cataratas de aguas cristalinas y varios increíbles sistemas de cuevas, hacen de Cobán un lugar ideal para verdaderos eco-turistas.

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Antigua Guatemala

Antigua Guatemala, a colonial city in Guatemala
Antigua Guatemala or Santiago de los Caballeros de Guatemala, due to its beautiful architecture since the the Spanish colonial period was declared in 1979 national patrimony of the humanity by UNESCO!

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